Cari Dell

Cari Dell

Cari Dell, born and raised in Austin, Texas, knows what it takes to compete in the,” Live Music Capitol of the World”. Cari took her first guitar lesson at the age of 12 and has never looked back! Cari fronts her three-piece band with crystal clear vocal and mind blowing guitar work.

She is known for her energetic live performances and guitar showmanship. Her electrifying guitar strokes have been compared to such greats as Carlos Santana, Eric Johnson, and Stevie Ray Vaughan. She has a guitar style that is very imaginative and memorable. Cari’s voice has an innocent, soulful quality that evokes emotion and beauty in each of her songs. Cari is an accomplished lead guitarist and gifted singer songwriter who has developed an electric sound blending her love for melodic Pop-Rock and R&B.

Cari was recently awarded the RADIO SIX INTERNATIONAL,”2003 RECORD OF THE YEAR”, in Glasgow, Scotland for her song, “A Thing For Me”. She also received the runner-up honors for her song, “The Trial”. According to RADIO SIX INTERNATIONAL, this is the first time in the history of their station that the same artist received the .. 1 and .. 2 spots!


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