Embracing Equilibrium With Calming Rituals

This has been one emotionally hectic summer. My daily interactions with my community have led me to journal, meditate, and pray more than I can ever remember doing in this lifetime.

The conversations have been met with big emotions and I want us all to take a deep breath and steady ourselves.

Photo Credit: DGL Images

What I am finding is that we are all so busy trying to do all the things and we are burning the candle at both ends, not sleeping, eating properly or, nourishing ourselves.

Right now, I immediately want to you to move you to the top of your list. You eat first, you shower first, do whatever it is you need to do so that you can heal your nervous system and show up for yourself and the people who need you in joy. We don't need any more stress and we need to start loving ourselves enough to say NO, with love,  more often.

Please stop raising your hand and signing up for things that you know are going to bring more stress into your life. You are not a bad person for taking care of yourself. Leave your hand down or politely decline.

Like it or not, you can't do everything.

We are a society of recovering people pleasers. Flex your NO muscle often til you can equalize your boundaries. Boundaries exist to keep us healthy and establishing them and defending them is part of self-care. Not only do you have to defend them from other people you also have to defend them with yourself.

It's easy to just keep taking on one more little thing until you're burnt out and wondering why you feel so stressed. Overextending yourself is a bad plan.


Today I invite you to rebalance, center, and ground yourself with this simple ritual.

Photo credit Olesso


A photo of you

white candle and candle holder



What To Do

Make a ring (circle) of salt

place your photo in the center

place the candle behind your photo

photo credit Aaron Amat

Light the candle and while looking at your photo say

I illuminate my boundaries and see them clearly

my boundaries defend me

my boundaries protect me

my boundaries are strong

repeat this affirmation at least 3 times and when you feel you are done distinguish the candle.

do this daily for 7 days or when you feel yourself say yes to mess too often.


40 Day meditation Challenge

Reset and reclaim your inner bliss

For 40 days you will receive one 10-minute meditation class per day, sent directly to your email and or cell phone. You'll get your bliss on for 40 days. All you need to get started is an email address or a cell phone to receive the texts and 10 minutes per day to recharge and release.