indie artist bootcamp
with Ezina
I’ve learned first-hand (and I’ll share the details) that, as an artist, you have a CHOICE:
1. WAIT for an agent, manager, record label, or American Idol to come along and save you, while you toil away in a day job you hate and numb yourself with alcohol, drugs, or Entourage reruns (and feel like Jane or Johnny Drama)
- or -
2. CONTROL your own career. MAKE your own mark. START getting paid to do the thing you love.
Which one sounds good to you?
If it's #2, I can show you how.
My Story
I started making music at 6. I had the lucky break (or so I thought) to get signed at 18. I’d just won the title of Miss Black USA, so the record company was happy to cash in and offer me a recording contract.
I headed into the studio with household-name producers. We recorded an album, one everyone in the studio said they loved. They sent it out to tastemakers, who loved it, too. “We’re going to chart, we’re going to the Grammys…”
Everyone pumped me up, and I thought, This is it. I’ve got a music career.
Meanwhile, a former Miss America was also making an album. I was Miss Black USA, she was Miss America, enough said. My label decided to push her record, and save mine for “next.”
Next never happened.
It's your time.
My epiphany began at the Wailing Wall in Israel and when I stepped into the Ganga Rivers in India, I came out a different person. My desire to be a harbinger of peace and joy became sealed in my soul.
My mission to lead artists to health and wealth was born.
I’ve helped countless musicians, singers, actresses, videographers, authors, fine artists, and healing artists to make money from their creations.
I said it at the top, and I’ll say it again:
no artist should be poor.
If you create, I can help you make money.
No, you don’t have to be a household name.
No, you don’t have to have a pageant crown.
No, you don’t have to already have an Instagram following in the millions.
here are just a few samples of what you're about to learn...

From Side Hustle to Spotlight
- Designing your artist life
- Fine-tuning Your Elegant Artist Statement
- Defining your artist super powers
- Defining your audience
Artist Marketing
- Bio Building- build a bio that sells
- Nailing your newsletter
- Social Media Messaging
- Wranging Your Website

Booking and Promotions
- Where to start
- Speaking the language
- Practice scripts
- Promotional packages
- Electronic Press kits
The Sustainable Star Power
- Getting Out There
- Selling your talent
- Building your contact list
- Finding your customers
- Engaging your customers

Planting Your Money Tree
- Staying Employable
- Earning Power- getting to six figures and beyond
- Managing your cash
- Planning for profits
- Reinvesting in your success
Mastering New Online Markets
- Making Internet income
- Secret strategies for getting people to your website
- The easiest ways to get paid bookings
- Selling through Social Media

Developing Multiple Streams of Income
- Picking your streams
- Planning your streams
- Creating your streams
- Marketing your streams
- Profiting from multiple streams
Finals Week
During this week we will focus on putting everything that you’ve learned together in a plan that works for you. We will streamline your blueprint so that you can use it over and over again.

By the end of Indie Artist Bootcamp, you’ll walk away with:
Elegant Artist Statement
to introduce and promote yourself
Artist Page
that you’re happy to post everywhere
Artist Marketing Manual
to use throughout your career
10 Different ways to monetize your artistry
30 Artist Messaging Memos
Your master list for social marketing
that makes you proud every time you see it
to build your legion of fans
Clarity & confidence in yourself and your art
Start today and get these bonuses!
bonus #1
“40 Day Fan Finder”
How to Get More Visitors to your Site Now*
Learn the Secrets to Writing Great Emails
*Become an Expert on Giving Your Website Visitors Instant Gratification*
Learn the Secrets of How the BIG WEBSITES Keep People Coming Back.
bonus #2
“Booking Engagement Techniques”
50 Techniques
How to help you explode your booking contact list in 90 days or less. Learn how to sign more deals and get more bookings.
bonus #3
If you order TODAY
you’ll also get another valuable audio series that will teach you how to create real lifelong streams of cash flow:
“50 Tips to Ignite Your Career” (a $35 value – yours free if you order before the deadline!)
In this audio, I personally outline the secret money making strategies that my students and I are using to build wealth!
You Get My 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Get access to virtual Bootcamp, 50 Tips to Ignite Your Career audio training, 2 Bonuses. Take the course and try it out… put my proven methods to the test. If you aren’t satisfied with the results anytime within the next 30 days, you’ll get 100% of your money back!
REMEMBER – I need your success story for my upcoming promotional tour so I have a VERY strong interest in making sure that this program works for you! That’s why you’re getting such a powerful guarantee.
All I ask is that you show me you tried my techniques as presented, and I’ll give you your money back. I can’t be any fairer than that.
The worst that can happen is you’ll come out ahead of the game, with more information than you had before.
It gives you more control of personal and financial freedom than ever before.