
Nail Your Book In Nine Days!

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

Dear Future Author,
Is writing a book on your bucket list?

If yes, I would like to help you take your book from thought to the page; from the page to Amazon.

Why me? After writing 10 books myself, and helping other people to write theirs, I have heard every reason known to man as to why people get stuck writing their books.

Many people ask me how I wrote and published so many books, and here's what I tell them: writing a book is not rocket science. But there is definitely a process to writing a book, whether it's a good old fashioned printed book or an ebook.

In Nail Your Book in 9 Days, I not only show you my system, I show you how to make sure that your book is viable after you have written the last word.

We review writing, proofreading, formatting, and uploading to online stores like Amazon. After you learn the system, I am confident that you, too, will be able to get your next book done in a weekend, or as little as a few hours.

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