Homegirl Returns To The Ghetto
A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto (now available from Victress Publishing) is the poetic journey of one Native American/African American woman as she takes the journey of her life through a white male dominated society– from a child to an adult.
Each experience is beautifully captured in poetry, both the good and bad. From the best of life to the worst of life, experience everything through our heroine’s eyes. Although not a typically formatted and “self-help” book, A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto touches on subjects often considered taboo. Racism, rape, suicide, divorce, dysfunctional families, and growing up in a fast-paced world are all discussed.
A Girl Who Has Been There Helps Young Women Come to Grips with Their Changing World
NEW YORK, NEW YORK — Growing up is hard work. Anyone who has experienced the pain of
adolescence and the heartbreak of losing your first crush to another can testify to the pain.
As adults, we look back at that time in our lives, laughing and crying because we made it through the horror. What we often forget is that other people are still going through the same thing, experiencing the same heartache, fears, and frustrations.
How can we help those that are changing to stay strong?
A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto (now available from Victress Publishing) is the poetic journey of one Native American/African American woman as she takes the journey of her life through a white male dominated society– from a child to an adult.
Each experience is beautifully captured in poetry, both the good and bad. From the best of life to the worst of life, experience everything through our heroine’s eyes. Although not a typically formatted and “self-help” book, A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto touches on subjects often considered taboo. Racism, rape, suicide, divorce, dysfunctional families, and growing up in a fast-paced world are all discussed.
Author Ezina says that A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto was written for young people around the
world as a record so that they will “know that they are not alone. They are not the only ones that have
experienced heartbreak and pain and yes we can get over it and move on to achieve our goals and lead
happy healthy lives.”
While A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto is Ezina’s first novel, she is no stranger to public attention.
She says that she began singing shortly after she began speaking, participating in local talent shows and
pageants. Needing money to finance her higher-educational pursuits, Ezina competed in the Miss Black
Michigan pageant and won. Her reign continued when she then captured the Miss Black USA crown.
Music is her passion, first and foremost. A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto is a brilliant bridge
between the music and the written word. Powerful poetry that will change the way you see the world, A
Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto deserves a place in every home, library, and school across the country.
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